Home > Quran > Urdu Translation > Surah Yusuf .73 .74 .75 .76 .77 .78 .79 .80 .81 .82 .83 .84 .85 .86 .87 .88 .89 .90 .91 .92 .93 .94 .95 .96 .97 .98 .99 .100.
The subject matter of this Surah indicates that it was revealed during the last stage of the Holy Prophet's residence at Makkah, when the Quraish were And if they do not desist from what they are saying, there will surely afflict the disbelievers among them a painful punishment. Continue. Ayah: 73. Navigate. Darood Sharif kay Fazail aur Barkat ka Bayan || Prof. Dr. Qazi Sultan Sikandar. Mustafai Taleem ul Quran · 39:38 · Mah Safar ul Muzaffar Main Toham Parasti Read and learn Surah Yusuf in English translation and transliteration to get Allah's blessings. Listen Surah Yusuf Audio mp3 Al Quran on Islamicfinder. Karena itu Yusuf menarik kepercayaan Benyamin dan memintanya agar mau tinggal bersama Yusuf, dan Benyamin pun menerima. ┬á. Dari ayat tadi terdapat Yusuf (Joseph) Suresi 9. Ayet Meali, Yusuf (Joseph) 9, 12:9 Slay Yusuf or cast him (forth) into some land, so that your father´s regard may be exclusively for you,
Here you find the translation in English and Urdu with Arabic of Ayat 73 of Surah Al-An'am . Qur'an Wiki - Surah 12: Yusuf Ayat 74 Qur'an Dictionary, Graphs and pie-charts, Manuscripts and Inscriptions, Tafsir Zone and much more. Qur’an Wiki is a repository for the best available data for every Surah and Ayat. Tanzil - Quran Navigator | القرآن الكريم Browse, Search, and Listen to the Holy Quran. With accurate Quran text and Quran translations in various languages. Tanzil - Quran Navigator | القرآن الكريم Al-Quran Surah 25. Al-Furqan, Ayah 73 - Alim
Dec 30, 2016 · Asalaam alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu. Here you will find notes from our classes which have been taken by sisters and generously shared with us. Surah Al-An'am - Verse 73 Here you find the translation in English and Urdu with Arabic of Ayat 73 of Surah Al-An'am . Qur'an Wiki - Surah 12: Yusuf Ayat 74 Qur'an Dictionary, Graphs and pie-charts, Manuscripts and Inscriptions, Tafsir Zone and much more. Qur’an Wiki is a repository for the best available data for every Surah and Ayat. Tanzil - Quran Navigator | القرآن الكريم Browse, Search, and Listen to the Holy Quran. With accurate Quran text and Quran translations in various languages. Tanzil - Quran Navigator | القرآن الكريم
Darood Sharif kay Fazail aur Barkat ka Bayan || Prof. Dr. Qazi Sultan Sikandar. Mustafai Taleem ul Quran · 39:38 · Mah Safar ul Muzaffar Main Toham Parasti
Home > Quran > Urdu Translation > Surah Yusuf .73 .74 .75 .76 .77 .78 .79 .80 .81 .82 .83 .84 .85 .86 .87 .88 .89 .90 .91 .92 .93 .94 .95 .96 .97 .98 .99 .100. Al-An`am سُوْرَۃُ الْاٴنْعَام · 7. Al-A`raf سُوْرَۃُ الْاَعْرَاف · 8. Al-Anfal سُوْرَۃُ الْاَنْفَالِ · 9. At- Taubah سُوْرَۃُ التَّوْبَۃِ · 10. Yunus سُوْرَۃُ یُوْنُسَ · 11. Hud سُوْرَۃُ ھُوْدِ · 12. Yusuf سُوْرَۃُ یُوْسُفَ. 73. Al-Muzzammil (The One Covering Himself), 74. Al-Muddaththir (The One Wrapping Himself Up), 75. This Surah consists of 176 ayat divided in 24 sections. This and previous six Surahs (Yunus, Hud, Yusuf, al-Ra'd, Ibrahim and al-Hijr) Yusuf (Nabi Yusuf) 111 ayat. bismillahirohmanirohim. الٓرٰ ۚ تِلۡكَ اٰيٰتُ الۡكِتٰبِ الۡمُبِيۡن. 1. Alif Lam Ra. Ini adalah ayat-ayat Kitab (Al-Qur'an) yang jelas. اِنَّاۤ اَنۡزَلۡنٰهُ قُرۡءٰنًا Surah Yusuf terdiri dari 111 ayat. keterkaitan dengan seluruh ayat-ayat dalam surat yusuf. mengecualikan dua ayat, yaitu ayat 73 dan 74, dan ada yang.